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Thank you very much for organizing this event ! Highly appreciated ! If the USSR had been still existed there would have been no war in Ukraine as well as all other wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya would not have taken the place ! Many lives would have been saved !
The Soviet legacy is not dead. We intend to keep it alive as long as we live.
Je suis Louis Fignole ST-CYR secrétaire général du parti lutte ouvrière en Haïti
[email protected]
Je suis Louis Fignole ST-CYR secrétaire général du parti lutte ouvrière en Haïti
Je suis Fignole ST-CYR secrétaire général CATH centrale autonome des travailleurs Haïti et membre fondateur du parti lutte ouvriere PLO
is there a zoom i can watch? even if later?
Yes, and it will go up on YouTube and on Rumble
Hello and don’t be tired, my friends, I am Mohammad Tahir Ahmadi from Afghanistan, I have been fighting against imperialism and internal reaction in Afghanistan since 2015, we are a group of 15 people, I want Afghanistan’s writings, analysis, articles and news every day I want to partner with you and international friends.
I am Yogendra Yadav National President National Democratic People’s Front (NDPF) we are fighting against Imperialism, Capitalism and Fudelism in India